AromaMyology Massage
AromaMyology Massage Certification for
Full-Service Practitioners
Our Certified AromaMyology Massage Program based in Windsor, Ontario introduces an expanded level of hands-on training, which includes adding multiple modalities to its’ Aromatherapy Program. The base of the program is the Aromatherapy training, with all other modalities using essential oils in the training. Graduates from the AromaMyology Massage Certification program will be equipped to offer an immediate full-service practice to meet the increasing demand by clients for multi-modality treatment sessions.
What Does “AromaMyology” Mean?
AromaMyology means the “Study and Practice of Multiple Forms of Massage combined in an Aromatherapy Practice.”

What Modalities Does the AromaMyology Program Include?
The AromaMyology Massage & Spa Certification Program includes training in the following modalities:
- Aromatherapy Massage & Essential Oil Certification
- Foot Reflexology Certification
- AromaSpa Therapy Certification
- Hot Stone Massage Certification
- Indie Head Massage Certification
- Traditional Chinese Fire Cupping & Cupping Massage
In-Class AromaMyology Training Schedule
The AromaMyology Program consists of weekend classes in Windsor, Ontario, with the Aromatherapy portion being correspondence only. The Aromatherapy massage component is done in-class over a period of 5 days consecutive, or it can be broken up into weekend classes. The Reflexology training is held over 2 weekends. The Spa Certification is held over 4 consecutive days or 2 weekends,
Saturday & Sunday classes run from 10 am-4 pm, except for Reflexology Certification which is 10 am-5 pm.
Home Study Component
There is a home-study component of this program, which allows students flexible study time to meet the needs and time-constraints of each individual. Home study accredits the student with hours of study time which includes the Anatomy/Physiology & Pathology module, plus Aromatherapy (done by correspondence) and Reflexology home-study questions.
Students are credited with 100 hours for the Anatomy/Physiology & Pathology Module, 25 hours for the home-study questions on Essential Oils and 50 hours for the Reflexology Program.
Research Project: A Research Project is included, which the student is required to hand in and present in-class. Students are credited with 50 hours for the Research Project.
Documented Clinical Hours: For each certification within the program, students are required to complete documented Clinical Hours for each modality.
Examinations: The AromaMyology Program has three written exams (Anatomy, Aromatherapy & Reflexology) plus practical exams in all modalities. Passing grade is 75% for all modalities except for Reflexology. The passing grade for the Reflexology Certification Program is 80%. All exam fees are included in the registration fee listed below.
To become a Certified AromaMyology Practitioner, students have one year from the last in-class session to successfully complete all examinations and to hand in all clinical documentation.
Course Objectives: Students will graduate with a Diploma as a Certified AromaMyology Practitioner upon successful completion of all exams and clinicals. In addition, the student will receive a certificate in all additional modalities successfully completed (Aromatherapy, Reflexology, AromaSpa Therapy, Hot Stone, etc.)
Career Choices
As a AromaMyology Practitioner graduating from this program, you will be in a position to:
- Establish your own home-based business running your private practice at home
- Open your own private clinic
- Work with other health care professionals at Natural Health Clinics
- Work in Health Spas, Vacation Resorts, Cruise Ships, etc.
- Establish your own Aromatherapy Retail Shop and Therapy Centre selling aromatherapy and spa products as well as offering treatments in all modalities
Admission Requirements: Minimum 18 years of age and a High School Diploma or equivalent (mature student). All admission requirements must be completed prior to the first day of class.
Course Material / Books: Books included in the registration fee: Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology Manual & Workbook, as well as an Aromatherapy Essential Oil Manual & Workbook.
Students also receive an Instruction Manual for each of the additional modalities (Hot Stone, Indie Head, etc.), which are issued at the time of instruction for each modality.
Tuition: Total: $4,995.00 (includes book fees). The total of $4,995.00 minus the registration fee of $500.00 = $4,495.00 due the first day of class. Payment plans are also available with an 8% interest rate.
Exam Fees: There are 2 written exams for the Aromatherapy Program, plus a practical exam. There is also one written exam for Reflexology Certification, plus a practical exam. All of the other training workshops have clinicals and a practical exam to complete for certification.
The exam fee is $175.00 in total which covers all written exams and practical exams. The exam fee must be paid before the first exam is written.
Registration Fees: A completed application form with a $500.00 non-refundable registration fee is required to reserve your place in class. The balance of payment of $4,495.00 is due on or before the first day of class. There are no refunds after course materials have been issued.
Class size is limited (four students). Early registration is recommended to reserve your place.
The deposit to begin the program can be sent by E-Transfer. The registration form can be filled out on the website.
Next Program Date:
- March 2025